The Journey Back

This was one of the worst experiences I had on board. The packed water bottle provided by the staff was used and it had a foul smell. I had to ask one of the staff members to change it. Also the cover in which breadsticks were provided for the tomato soup was torn which was again replaced on request. I really do not know for what the Manmohan Singh government (even while leaving office) increased the fares by 10%. From food quality to basic railway amenities everything has become poorer. I wish our new railway minister takes into account the high cost that the passengers bear, in hope of getting good quality service.
Also, I would request each one of us to keep in mind a few things while travelling since somewhere down the line even we are responsible for the cleanliness of our transport. Please do carry or crush the water bottles provided at the time of travelling to stop misuse of the same. Do not shy away from raising your voice for something wrong. Keep the toilets clean for the next person in line. Maintain a basic courtesy towards the railway staff too. They are not your employees. All this can definitely make our everyday experience better by making us a better citizen of this great country.