Relationship Tricks

son, mother- daughter, brother- sister, in- laws which are a part of our personal relation to peers, subordinates, seniors on professional front, every relation has it's own importance depending on an individual's priority. You need to manage each one of them with a different approach.
From the very moment of our birth, we start learning to maintain our relation based on our needs. Like mother, a child recognizes his mother's voice, touch at first and would scream on top of his voice to ensure her presence. Then comes the father, who takes care of small little needs of his child, from a toy to a bike or car endlessly even after he grows up. It is said we cannot choose our parents but the bigger thought here is a parent toils hard all day and night to give the best of everything within his reach effortlessly and without any expectations. But do we as children think about it even once before shouting at them or asking them for a share in property? Many of us don't, which is sad. We would think thousand times before saying anything to our colleagues at work lest they may feel bad but ironically not even once before saying or raising a finger at our parents who want nothing but our well- being.
This is why, I wrote we start maintaining relations based on our needs. We are a selfish lot, we don't care unless we are affected. Till the time our house is in order, we care a damn. Human- being is the most selfish creature on earth who is capable of doing anything just for fun sake. Even a tiger or a lion does not hunt when not hungry, but we hunt, kill everyday may be not literally but we enjoy fooling others. This is our basic relationship trick.
This is why, I wrote we start maintaining relations based on our needs. We are a selfish lot, we don't care unless we are affected. Till the time our house is in order, we care a damn. Human- being is the most selfish creature on earth who is capable of doing anything just for fun sake. Even a tiger or a lion does not hunt when not hungry, but we hunt, kill everyday may be not literally but we enjoy fooling others. This is our basic relationship trick.
May be it's time to think, to change ourselves and become better as a human, as a son, a daughter, a sister, a brother. The video above is an eye-opener. Life is too short. Do not lose out on your personal relationship joys by giving in to this fast paced hollow world around. Money, power, position are never loyal to anyone, they come and go. But a relation once lost, may not be recovered forever. Be proud of who you are and always remember and respect your roots.
A blink of an eye and all may be lost, the only thing which stays is your conscience.~Ankhi Bhattacharya
Loved every bit of this one...
ReplyDeleteThanks Rita!!