8 days to go...

It's all a game of numbers. The magic figure of 272 has to be achieved and no national party is in a position to reach the mark alone. Both need alliances which will be fruitful in the longer run of government formation and stability for five years. More importantly they need like- minded allies who have some interest in nations development and are not just a party to scams.
Well the only one hope is that we get a stable and worthy government which takes into account the needs of the nation as a whole and not a particular community or state for vote bank politics also, that we get a strong leader who works towards the interest of the citizens of this country than his own personal gains.
16th of May the country' s fate will be sealed for five important years and I believe these will be the golden years which will pave way for a brighter tomorrow.
16th of May the country' s fate will be sealed for five important years and I believe these will be the golden years which will pave way for a brighter tomorrow.