Unfair Criticism

Also a few other things taken up by the government is the Ganga clean project which will have a positive effect on the cities in India since Ganga is our major river. Modi also changed the working style of bureaucrats and removed the old babu culture. He pushed long working hours with punctuality and result oriented approach which will keep them motivated. Yesterday itself I read that the EPFO may increase the interest rates on PF as they are expecting more returns due to the welcoming policies of the new government. I think it is an excellent news for the working class. This government also procured the entire money that we lost due to the Augusta- Westland scam from Italy which was not ready to refund. They set up an SIT for black money procurement which would mean that we may not have to pay or pay minimal taxes once the black money comes back to India.
This is just a glimpse of a few good work shown by the new government in a few days. Do not forget it takes time to clean up the previous mess, only then one can start afresh. Mr Modi does not have a magic wand but yes he has a vision of a brighter and shiner India and we all must be with him in making it possible. He did not wait or waste a single day but started working for our betterment and the others followed suit. He is a man of proven track record and people who raised voice of his being communal are zipped now. He has not done or said anything which is against the country's communal harmony.
Have some patience and wait and watch, good days are underway.