The Mobile Gaming Experience !!

3 to name a few. I have myself played these games on my I Phone and the experience is incomparable. This phone plays the heaviest of games smoothly and it does not hang. Yes, I said the phone does not get stuck for you to force a switch off and restart a game which is the most common problem with the majority of phones available today. Apart from all the small little special features that I Phone possess, its ability to play games is definitely a plus.
Coming to the games, most of the games played by me are from "GAMELOFT" or "WARNER BROS" and they have designed some of the best games I have ever played. I mean the graphics and animation is awesome. There is an entire movie made out of the Injustice game that I mentioned above, on You Tube. You need to watch it to believe. Although its an Xbox version, the game on I Phone too is no less. You have all the superheroes of the Justice League comics fighting with their mightiest power to save the Earth. My next download was Dungeon Hunter. And although it does not have the superhero kick, its a game to watch out for. The graphics are impeccable and the story line is no less than a Justice League or Avengers. Then comes my latest crush, Batman: Arkham Origins. In this game, Batman is trying to defend the Arkham Asylum of the Black Mask and his notorious allies. Its a great game with punches, kicks, batarangs, endless batsuits and gadgets to upgrade from. Its a must download and I have attached the trailer too for a quick look for you.
Endless to say, that mobile phone has changed our world and the latest study reveals that playing games on mobile increases you focus and brain activity which is a thumps up to all the gamers around the world. Today there are infinite number of games to choose from and you have the best available phones/tablets in the market to satisfy the gamer in you.
So keep downloading, and playing....