Jake Gyllenhaal, The Nightcrawler, Simply Crazy!

The story is of a jobless loner, Lou Bloom who is a thief and steals for his livelihood and is demeaned by people all around, a nobody who ends up becoming a freelance news reporter by luck and the backbone of news reporting agency. Jake Gyllenhaal was better than ever and no one can match his acting this year. I can loudly say that he deserves an Oscar for his outstanding performance as a crazy but a talented news reporter who is ready to do anything and everything by hook or by crook for a breaking news. He is smarter than a police officer and as determined as a hunting lion who is focused to the tee. He studies his target so well that he charts out a well planned strategy to negotiate against their weaknesses. The best scene in the movie was in which Jake Gyllenhaal screams and breaks the mirror of his washroom after being humiliated by the news agency director played by Rene Russo (played the mother in Thor). The fresh face in the movie is Rick (played by Riz Ahmed), an employee of Lou Bloom who is back-stabbed to death by the lead after he appears to be a threat to him. All the actors have done a great job but Jake Gyllenhaal with his superb acting and apprearance overshadows each one of them. What you see is a crazy guy called Lou Bloom, thats all!
Have attached the trailer below for all of you and the movie is a must watch for all movie lovers:
The movie somehow very intelligently brings out the inhuman approach that news reporters have these days. Their main motive is not reporting the truth but to create an unnecessary hype at any cost for their TRP's. Somewhere down the line I believe we as a society are becoming psyopaths.What we enjoy and what interests us is killing, accidents, massacare, genocide and negativities. The number of views and likes that I observe on you-tube for a normal news would be much lesser than a video on mass genocide. I just hope that the media starts behaving much more responsibly since it is the most important medium of communication for the society including all age groups. We as individuals too should start focusing more on philanthropic and social well-being activities which can bring a positive change to the world if not for us, atleast for our children.