Perfect Life, myth or reality?

Perfection, this is what we all run after. A perfect holiday, job, family, car, house and so on, all in all a flawless life. But does perfection exist? In my opinion it does not. What is perfect for me may not be for you and vice-versa. It is in the mind of the observer. Our definition of perfection changes as per our mood and time. In a family of five all may not have the same preference. Some people learn to adjust, not that they are completely satisfied with their life but they stop complaining. God made everything as per His idea of perfection, but do we find all of it perfect? A Goa beach may be more beautiful than a beach in Kerala for someone but still may not be perfect. This is what makes us different from each other. And this diversity is our strength. As a family, as a nation we stand together but may have separate views. This is the power of democracy, unlike what happens in Pakistan or other gulf countries, we live together even with all our differences. One word for this is patriotism. A soldier dies for his countrymen, not for a religion, culture or view. His ideal life would also be to live a good life with his family but he keeps his self-interest at bay to fight for his nation. In the same way, some fight for love, some for money and some for power. We all fight and struggle for our own definition of a perfect life.
There is nothing called perfect or imperfect in this world. For me mountains may be perfect and for you sea. There is so much to see and feel in this world that the search for that dream life is endless. For a blind man, vision would be perfection. We evolve everyday emotionally and mentally. Our thoughts and vision change with time. As kids we enjoy toys, chocolates and as we grow up our wants and desires grow. What we don't realize is that while looking for perfection we drop out and miss the beauty of that moment . Time never waits for anyone. It slips away like sand leaving our hands empty. No wonder wise people say time is precious. So do not waste time looking for what is missing. Do not let your search for perfection steal your present joy. Perfection would be to be contended with your life. Life is a mixed bag of emotions, so take it in stride and thank the almighty by cherishing all the good things you have.
Happiness does not depend on what you have or what you are. It solely relies on what you think~Buddha